Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The TIME VIBE JANUARY 2024: Translations and Opportunities 2024:8 ToGather, FORMULATE, and CHOOSE!

 I Am very Home-y in Now.  

As Creator BEing of Emotional Focus, I DECIDE.  

I CHOOSE more deliberately in the direction of That which is WANTED.  

The choice is Ever; LOVE, or, f.e.a.r.   It's THAT simple.  

The Imagery that is amplified into the Private Perceptual 'structures/rules" in the Time Games dictate that which i/us experience.  It's Time to remember Who Creates YOUR EX.perience, any Way that can BE grasped.  

There are no more excuses for Self-Creative Self-denial, projected asovert, and subtle,  sadicistic/masochistic attitudes and activities, AS IF these activities were actually happening outside of SELF.  The richochet will be swift and to the deep. 

 Do You forgive yOurSelf?

DISPUTES occur to allow logical sequence, and consequences, to unfold for the reSolving process.  Time-Walkers will "try out" getting "clean" of someThing that is BE-lie.ved to evil. 

Love, or, f.e.a.r.,  Tell yOurSelf what you Want.  refrain from speaking of ANY sort of lack scenario.  

2023-2024 begins the more In.powering chatter In-To Manifestational Foundations (4), and the Self-Discipline to USE THE MATERIALS and RE-Sources, at hand.  

That BEing, YOUR Focus/Fascinations.  This annual Game Cycle, Collectively, is to challenge Creative Imagery, developing Self-Creative Discipline, and, specifically- through  yOur Private Time Games PRACTICE.  

yOur Life INstructions are found in Now. 

Love, or, f.e.a.r.  

You CAN choose Harmonious Emotional Magnetizations, amplified over arduous, and repetitive, out-grown Ideologies, OR, You can CHOOSE to BE the Change, and just get ON WITH IT. 

The Plasmic reality requires some degree of challenge, or "testing" to Season the Knowing. 

There are more specific probability indicators that Private TIME cycles present- as in, opportunities to get deeply organized, in Thought, Word, and , Deed as the annual Mastery cycle progresses.  

Starting with the FOUNDATIONAL details of the Function of the desired Form to follow, as it does in a magnetically Sensorial Meat-Suit.

It is Now, as Ever, a Self-Created Self-Responsibility to EXperience exactly That which You FEEL.  

The saving Grace of all of the LONG (2) Frequency cycles in this spin of Our INter.Active/Co-Creative Practice SHIFT, is that the immediate Next Game level condusive to Mastering aspects of the DIPLOMAT. 

So, just DO You, Boo. 

Do It NOW.  WHY is Now so readily put off, when it's the INgine of the Time Games, in which We are so Fascinated by. 

Breathe, so that the Vision can have Clarity.

This is a long-term (2024:8)cycle, and specifically resonates waves that some might really want to get on top of, regarding setting new Precedents in Private Perspective, which is the FOUNDATION of the "public" Presence, In Participation.

Broadcasting of Ideas and IMAGERY will bombard the Airwaves and push our IMAGINED physical boundaries. Which is the whole point of this Fortunate Collective Time Harmonics. 

IF You are "Seeing" [IT], and especially FEELing [IT], 

[IT], is DONE.   This is a Universal Law that is coming to a broader comprehension of for those who's aspirations are of  Conscious, Self-Creative Mastery.  

So those Time Walkers, who may be Sensitive to the long-term Collective Frequencies of 2, 0, 2, 4: 8, are EXperiencing a rapid and INtense Growth wave with Participation themes challenged and decidely shifted due to welling urges to BE the Self-Creative BEing that IS.  And, ONLY Is.  

All of the prolonged EVEN-NUMBERED, particularly (2) Frequency activity, in terms of  Time Games include Self-Created Self-REFLECTIVE Time Walking experiences will get right in yOur face.  

The REMEDY FOR ALL "ILL-NESS", is Forgiveness.  

Those that can't DO That, will reVolve, not, reSolve.  

Those that dig in at the expense of f.e.a.r. and loathing, are ALSO having such reVolutions, and, ALSO have CHOICES-a-plenty, as Ever.  The Magnetic mechanisms of a plasmic/magnetic reality NEVER shut down.  I AM Is Self-ReSpons.able. 

When moving forward thru the agreed Collective Time Games Platforms, which are entirely SELF-Created and EXperienced,  re-membering the Past is NOT advised.   Forgiveness is the FIRST step, and the Time opportunity at hand. 

The rewards for following the "map" that is imbedded in this Collective Time Game are Very satisfying.  Better than imagined.  Who Knew that authenticity was the most direct route to That which is wanted?!!  So, relax.  FEEL BETTER, more than not. 

Re-route activities to develope New Level of Participating focus points.  Imagine more, and more often.  Get detailed. Things will Flow by more rapidly.  

All of the long-termed (2) emphasis ALSO includes a basic desire to Seek Balance.  That is a Fine Intention when there are so many to "choose" from.  At THAT Point in Inner ignition, relax in the Knowing. Altho, brief.  Grasp the feel-better Imagery, and put the Feel Into a memory bank.  A Memory Bank for the more Preferred experience Imageries. :)  

This Years Frequency Cycle REQUIRES decisions that maty often enough come abruptly.  Decisively. Distinctly Presenting, with no ethical doubt. 

For All of Those IN Harmonious Participation, Self-Creative Mastery lessons can start to Flow more Self-assuredly.   The Time-Walker is Ever the pace-keeper in the reflective, sensorial, reality experience.  

Collectively, EXperiential Satisfaction level grows, when ACTION, altho, yes, it's Intirely imaginary, is the Visual Ignition point that Vibratory FOCUS offers. 

Higher Frequency dictates a Higher IN.tension of Visionary projections.  

In review, this cycle of 2024: 8 is a wave of PROductive opportunities to Participate in the Collective Sensorial Time Games that YOU Imagine NOW.    

JANUARY (1) + 2024(8) = (9) ,  

Full Green light to LET [IT] GO.  Clean UP, clean out outgrown attitudes and vengeful Ego-Driven ideals.   You Know Who You are.   Resentment never floats for very long.  And, then, you have to go back and clean up an UNnecessary re-Do.  Or, DID you need a whack to wake up to the silliness?  Hmmm?

This (9)# cycle of January is a mid-term cycle that provides opportunities to clean Up Vibrational structures, recalibrate Visual Imagery of Projects and Intentions, and IF Seeking (9) Mastery objectives, then Keywords are the WatchWords of this classroom level of Practice.  

The Time-Games of Private Experience, which are Projected on a Macro-level into any "waking day" are the cues of the "lesson ofjectives of a Master syllabus of the "day"/"month"/"year".

The specifics of this for Y OU will require an overview of your own Personal Harmonics and Time cycles.  

  (you can do that fo yourSelf HERE, or, you can schedule Translation assistance from Me, HERE. )

This year is a Time to decisively SHIFT to a NEW IMAGE, IDEA, VISION BASED ON : 

Heart FEELs of Joy, Gratitude, Grace, Compassion, Charity/SHARING, Love- (Now!)

You Know- FEELING SATISFIED, Secure, Aware, Dignified. And, if that is foreign to You, THIS is the opportunity window to get Real about Your Self, as well as See that I AM ANOTHER yOurSelf, everyWhere you Look.  

Humanity is poised to enter a larger Galactic Community, that is Ever-in-the-Making.  There is NOT "out there", Love.   

It's ALL IN yOur Mind. 


A Big Hello!! and, THANKS To All of my returning readers!  EveryOne is In a different "place", and, Perfectly So.

AND, a Big Welcome to New readers!  


LOOK to: theempressoftime.blogspot.com

and all inquirey's to : frequencyinfo333@gmail.com , 


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