Tuesday, April 16, 2013

TIME VIBE: APRIL-MAY 2013 - PART 3: Blowing Off The Excess Energetic Crazies....

Now, Ya' gotta' Love some pure, 
unfettered, uninhibited, un-choreographed,
Ecstatic dance!

Here's the link to a nice long series of progressive waves that you can save for later, 
but you might want to listen now while you watch this guy show you how he DO it....  
:)-  it's mesmerizing...!



TIME VIBE: April 2013 (1): Part 3  



I AM. 


So, this month, you have permission to put aside all of your Time-bound tools of separation and judgment from the DARK AND DEAD, 3/4D land of "weigh and measure", and think, think, think about what you are really wanting to CREATE based more appropriately on WHO you THINK You ARE....which is changing fast!   
No-thing (in Time) is for-ever!  You're allowed to change your mind and direction any Now.  At this stage of declaring Universal Sovereignty ( I AM) and Well Being (in balance), the Cosmic Ways and Means Committee (in Time) has been launched into working things out nicely for everyone in the collective experiential reality.  So, this month you get to think about what makes you GROOVE and MOOOOVE in your JOY and sprinkle those seeds! 

As mentioned many times previously regarding the Timing frequencies of this year, (2013:6) http://thenumbersintime.blogspot.com/p/6.html    
until the approach of the fall months (in Time), when the (7)  Time frequency of 2014 begins to raise our will and power to investigate and analyze what is TRUTH, ( but, more on this later).
This year's collective (6) opportunities (in Time) will continue to highlight: 
** Healing and Health issues; Balance/Harmony, and complimentary and compensatory actions;  Intelligent boundary lines and responsibility;  Relationships ; Coming "clean" about intentions, confessing and clarifying of Dreams and Visions; mediating, counseling, translating; Meditation; care and nurturance of All ;  LOVE, tenderness, empathy, "hands -on" care and physical and social adjustments; body-care;   

(6) also illuminates sharing the visual imagery of what you are FEELING and experiencing via , teaching, counseling, parenting, visual imagery energy transference (projecting) , and all translations via telepathic, or any audio/visual means ;  there is also stimulation and activity regarding all data-bases, networked data and media sources, including satellite networks, internet, etc.  

Multi-Dimensional conversations via developing lines of telepathic communications which will increase markedly in May, under the 11:2 Timing frequency.  
So by the end of April we will see an increase in the stimulation of Heart felt Multi-Media/Mediums and Multi-dimensional expressions of Art and Creativity; and we can expect to be Psycho-Spiritually Sorting the options and preferences with reason and fairness toward All contributors and receivers of data,  educational platforms, our shared life-expanding resources.

Most people think of making physical BODY adjustments and doctors and medical/psychological remedies when they think of "healing".   They think of external causes and cures for ailments and dis-eases manifested from within the IDENTITY belief systems.   This years (6) collective "healing" is fundamental.  It's NOT ABOUT the economic system, the environment, the social un-rest and dis-ease, OR, your earth body projection-  those changes (in Time) are due to manifest by 2015.
Although there are physical re-alignments taking place on all frequencies in and around this Time platform reality.  
It's more about the perceptions and attitude adjustments regarding 
the collective harmonization.  
NOT it's homogenization. (uniformity/conformity) 

BIG difference there.  
This Unity consciousness must be understood by the global participants as a United INTENTION.  The idea of uniformity,  is being dismantled.   And, by the end of 2015 the external reality in the New Time, will reflect the grasp of this difference.  

But  NOW,  there is so much evidence that we are in the process of re-activating the Pineal frequency modulator, which changes the way we perceive everything- and how we process the tidal wave of new data that will begin to flow by the latter part of the summer.
We see new and as yet unexplored options before us in the collective platform as a metaphor for SELF, currently.  
As individuals, we Know somewhere deep inside Heart Center that what we are seeking is already a done deal.

We've been EMOTIONAL charged about things- OUT LOUD since the last century of the last Millennium.  And the initial waves of wake-up calls, and the desire to do something FUN this millennium has been fruitful, in the broadest view of our expansion.  

But, Now, Talk therapy is cheap if it's focused on regurgitating old stories of pain and error.  So, stop it.  Stop talking about what you are not wanting.  We must learn a way to POSITIVELY re-phrase the reconstruction that is occurring in the Light of ease and flow in a reality of All POSSIBILITY. 

This year, Tough Love therapy is beckoning some of us.  We're learning to be Truly Loving friends- and yet, we suffer not their foolishness.   But, we're learning to accept differences, and tell the Truth, in Love, Now with energetic emphasis.  
Let the chips fall where they may!   When this years' boundary lines are drawn, we'll see who was able to weed out Self lies and negative mind loops gracefully and with compassion, but-
the ENABLING of false reality beliefs STOPS HERE, and NOW

**my very favorite example of Tough Love therapy:

This month (april) of identifying and expressing of Self BALANCE  is the first wave of the current curative ideal of the collective to usher forward with focus and commitment.  We are actively seeking balance, and fair and Loving exchange in All relationships, since we are realizing that All are One in the Mirror.
Those relationships that are not in Harmony with your current path of expansion are being removed.   Previous relationship ties are being healed and released by the Love and the empathy that is coming up after the pain is acknowledged.   So, - let it go.  
We see that : "There before the Grace of Source, go I."  
Where's your empathy for Humanity? 

As this month progresses (in Time), much talking, communication person to person over the wires and in the ethers. And, this will continue throughout this year- but, wireless communications will increase markedly in May :(11).  (More on this later, but you may want to visit the 11 Time frequency overview here for a heads up on the color of next months opportunities, lessons, and activities (in Time).)  (Time Vibe: May 2013)

The push point is around 4/24/2013: (11), and we'll be distinctly noticing the frequencies raise.  Some of us are already experiencing the gentle breezes of this in their own "Visions" and translations.   May 2013, (in Time) is going to be wildly psychic ride for the whole planet.  We can expect big fat waves of data downloads, both individually and collectively- and that will instigate a definite, and palpable energetic tipping point of [more active] re-Alignment of the collective intention in the New Time platform.    

You can probably feel it already.  So imagine how powerful and profound the psychic push is going to be by the mid-cycle point (5/7- 5/21).   The collective tide is about to make a turn with more CLARITY of KNOWING. Expect further harmonization of collective imagery regarding outcomes and intentions in a direction that is demanding we tweak the sails- again, to get closer to our desired "position".         
We aren't going to like ALL of what is revealed to us in the next few years (in Time),  but, the coming data- which we will not be able to UN-KNow,  will challenge us to reach deeper into our own solidarity, and demand stability in our shared resources.   
Fairness is being actively sought, with emphasis on the Love in empathy and compassion for All players in the collective holo-deck of Time experience.  
More and MORE individuals are grasping the concept of Eternal Sovereignty and an entry level Multi-Dimensional take on the New Time wave "coordinates" through open negotiations, and a general caucus of collective intentions.   

(6) is also an indication of activity mostly within the "local politics".    Where:  (8 = Global political play).  This means our close community (Self, family and friends and other participants) must be dealt with first, and then we take our issues out to the global state of awareness once our personal foundation has been stabilized.  

This (6) aspect (in Time) depicts the perceptions of the events and dramas of the individual's physical reality, and how personal focus effects the spatial reflections of the New Time platform's objectives.  
While WE are being re-Aligned with our Multi-dimensional talents and Body,  by cleaning up the scenery in our own individual experiences,  the Earth is being "re-tooled" for the Next level of challenges and lessons in this opening of Eternal, Creator Being Consciousness.   The collective outcry (intentionto bring on disclosure of the Galactic presence is partly a manipulation game of anxiety.  But, (the 11) in May, supports the idea and opportunity for INTER-SPECIES COMMUNICATIONS.  So don't be surprised if you open a channel- or, two-  in some way in that Light.  
All that we are experiencing as a collective is being spoon fed to us on a need-to-know,  and ever-expanding  basis by the 
Source/ I AM,   .....ONE, NOW AT A TIME.  
The syllabus for our collective expansion experience has been issued forth and read by All participants.  
So, why are we making it harder than it has to be???

 REPRIEVE and RELEASE is ALWAY found in your Joy!
Relax, Breathe, seek out soothing nurturance and companionship as you make notes on what you are really wanting, without trying to control something that is still slightly beyond your grasp just yet.  Be conscious of actively DO-ing anything that is devoid of JOY for you.  For Those residual things that you "have " to do, find a way to Love them, and give things a chance to either Harmonize- or dissolve appropriately.   

It's no coincidence that we are also dealing with underlying opportunities and gifts of the individual annual digits: 2-0-1-3.   
I think you'll also find that the contemporary Master's of NOW all concur that the path of  Love, Now- in Joy yields all in resplendent Perfection.  
3 indicates opportunities to notice and experience growth though  our JOY.  The Time experience DOESN'T have to be a struggle.  
The choice between fear and Love is ever available in any moment of experience.   
  You can glean more on the essence and gifts of this 3 Time frequency influence here:  3. -  which  is supporting us  in this until January 2014, when we will roll up our collective sleeves and begin to clean house in very real and effective ways.  

Eckart Tolle:  The Secret of Happiness

Abraham  Hicks:  In order to BE Happy, You gotta BE Happy  


Sometimes, when in a state of resistance-  the fastest way to get to [FEEL GOOD] is to side step your "rational" Time perspective and blow off some of the static and cellularly stuck energies of belief, which are reflected in your physical  presence  of Being.   Look in the Mirror.  Are YOU experiencing "ascension symptoms" ?

Moving the bio-electric apparatus around stimulates lymphatic drainage, changes out the precious water content in your brain and nervous systems and stimulates the Nadis; and releases Joy-bearing hormones like endorphins.   Movement assists with the changing of the Synovial fluids that carry the frequency currents that are increasing steadily in our Merkaba activation processes.....so, you might consider taking the Time for taking in much MORE (distilled) water, as  well.
(6) also happens to represent fluidity, the image of water, waves, tides, healing "solutions", and the aspect that liquid water will always fine it's own level of balance.  

The most pleasant and expedient way for me, personally, to clear out the energetic fuzzies and revitalize KUNDALINI flow begins in the delight and ease of Ecstatic Dance.  
Ecstatic dance is just ONE tool for re-Alignment, and re-membering to help yourSelf to the Love Vibe of Life on the banquet table of the All There Is.  

For some, Ecstatic Dance is a serious Self study of Balance within the sensorial Body and the Multi-Dimensional Presence. 
It can be some seriously effective Psycho-Spiritual Therapy for most those who pursue this methodology.  But, you'll have to give it a go for yourSelf to Know if you like it.  

Healing Movement pioneers have dotted our contemporary history, and this arena of Self maintenance and pleasure has accelerated - as all things have (in Time)- with the birth of the internet and broadcasting communications devices.
Gabriel Roth is my personal movement mentor.   
This video is a synopsis of the Wave of 5 Rhythms Ecstatic Dance that she has brought out for us to play and balance with.  
I'll put it on the table for your personal consideration.   And, here's the link to her website :  http://www.gabrielleroth.com

THANK YOU for your participation in this spiral Journey with Me!!!

Until the Next wave of Joyful Inspiration...
I continue to hold All 
 In Love, 

as ever-

* You can see more of my work and play here:    http://thenumbersintime.blogspot.com/p/bio.html

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