Sunday, December 9, 2012

Time Vibe: December 9-22, 2012 (in Time)


Speaking of Time, and Your individual Divine Self.... 

If you like watching Time, as i do, then the next 11 days are chock full of  ONE frequency opportunities, and another step in the I AM return.  
And, then the 2's will reflect the final surprise of this 5 annual frequency for All to see.    
From today, through the end of the month, (in Time)- those 1's are going to stimulate alot of awakening in individuals.....Numerologically speaking, in Time , especially with those dates that include or equal 1, or 2, or 11, or, 22....immense isn't even an appropriate word for this.

People will be ABLE to see that All is connected, and will get the idea that the Time reality is a tool.  It isn't the goal, or, the ALL.  And, with the 2 frequency of the millennium  (in Time), begin to get the idea that being kind to OtherSeves and Life in general might be the way to go.  I see this in many many of the translations in the ethers, bespoken for different listeners by different translators.   It takes us a while to turn our ships,  this is the image i use when i say "sliding sideways out of Time.  We're going to hit the final stages of liftoff on our INTENTION toward balance and harmony. 
If the "veil" is coming completely off- we will be fully conscious Divinely Sovereign Beings (5D?).  If this is just a change of "pace" and focus (inTime), there will be acceleration of Human processes in the collective (4D?) toward the upgraded intention of [Communication, Cooperation, Connection, Balance, Sharing, and this is where the 'CHOICE" COMES IN.
If we choose Love, the path of NO more Fear, we can pull our Selves out of Time - at Will.  (yep, that means Time travel, healing, etc.)  The changes that we WANT to see i the collective reality, need to come from more of Us, NOW, first. 
 This is just YOUR plan to test your resolve to get into your I AM -ness.
I think that as this month progresses more individuals will begin to Know this, and relax, make more good-feeling decisions, and less decisions based on lack, and constraints by the "order" of someone or something else outside of Self.  

..there are so many ways to see this process- but following our Joy is the prime directive from Source, OR, JOY wouldn't feel so good.
To follow the Gifts of the daily frequencies (in time) this month , you'll want to review the larger under currents that are gently moving us toward expansion, as well as the monthly and annual cycle frequencies.

The 8 for this month is for moving mountains, material mastery.  For many individuals...this will teeter between the Light, and Dark Illusory aspects of this point of juncture, 

I watched the film ,  2012: A New Beginning   with Santos Bonnocci, et al- and i thought:  "Well.  That's it.  I really don't ever need to say another word about this. "
But, i probably will....

 What i can "see" in the Number cycles )in Time) carries the same Knowings, and  it's all so beautifully put in this video- and in many others that exude intelligence and clarity.  But there is SO  MUCH MORE to what we are going through currently.   And the 2012, Global 5 surprises are not over till they're over - January 1, 2013, (in Time).
In essence, there will be a palpable rally of connections regarding the rules of engagement, and the organizing of focus on Harmony and flow in our Time game, as 2013, 6 Gobal year commences.

Because 3D Time, (which we are still mainly focused in until 12/21), provides great contrast platforms to absorb the data for personal Creative preference, as individuals of the collective- the choice between Love and Fear will become more obvious and easier to the individual.     This month, what you believe and say about YourSelf , and what you see in the mirror matters.  It always did, it's just that this month we are expanding our initiative, and taking a firmer hand in mastering our own individual Now, I AM- for more FUN and sharing.

The 3 in 2013, contains a clue for the events in Global Time.  Lots of talking, and- if it's not about attaining the awareness of Love, Nurturance, and Balance in All, it will not fly very far.   Discerning Truth will be easier to All.   The old paradigm of controlling through Fear is over.  "They" won't scare us unless we allow it.  And, WE aren't wanting to play there (3D), with "them" , our former teachers and upholders of the Mirror.
We are graduating to the Next.

How you project into your own reality will be an instantly Self aware choice to move in the direction of your Joy, or remain in the suffering of Fear.  It going to getting easier.  Hang in there.

Here is your Key to the current Numbers and their gifts,  should you want to watch Time for YourSelf...

(the number descriptors: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
this link will open up in a separate window, so you have a quick reference to the numbers discussed today, and in your personal Time map.

check out this countdown:

12/10/2012, ... 8 Global day
12/11/2012,  ...9 Global day
12/12/2012, ...1 Global day
12/13/2012,  ...11/2  Global day
12/14/2012, ...3 Global day
12/15/2012, ...4 Global day
12/162012, ...5 Global day
12/17/2012, ...6 Global day
12/18/2012, ... 7 Global day
12/19/2012, ...8 Global day
12/20/2012, ... 9 Global day
12/21/2012, ...Global day
12/22/2012, ...11/2 Global day!!!  The hits just keep on a comin'!

To calculate Your Personal Numbers (in Time) click here. 

Until the Next-
Thanks for Your participation in this Spiral Journey-  


  1. I just realized the upcoming "birthday" I wrote about in "Stories" post of mine is a seven.
    How cool is that?
    Now I am even more excited!

  2. Your birthdate is a 7, or that particular day was a 7 for you?
