Thursday, July 4, 2019

The Collective Prepares for A Widespread IDENTITY Value Perception Shift;

This interview and Practice case study is for the Seers and Leaders, by example, of Participation and Focus:

the Collective CoCreative Game rules/Beliefs are shifting,,, as Polarity is BEing used with more Intension and Creative Will is steadily tested and tempered for the inevitable graduation Upon which Human Time Reality experience with Align more suitably for each Vision contrbutor and Participant.
You THINK you are ready for a Value "re-Set"?
The (11) frequncy Collective opprtunity window for August suggests that the ILLUMINATION of All to All, based on Vibrational Capacity and with Full Self-Creative REsponsibility, as an establishing harmonics UpGrade.  
I AM, am quite Capable; (2020:4), Cycle of Re-Clamation-and-Thank You-Very Much, but WE Got This, Now- kind of Collective 2020 Co-Creative Time Game Cycle. 
2020:4 is a VERY hands-on approach to setting a FOUNDATION upon which the New STORY of IDENTITY can BE sampled, in full sensorial expression more Preferentially, be-Cause Collective FOCUS and Frequency is rising INto the Next Self-Creative Practice in Peaceful Balance and Flow.

WHAT Do We settle for, and How is that working out for You, Privately.
If we want a Fair and Balanced Value Transition platform upon which we weave our Dreams and Pathways to Center, THERE MUST BE A HARMONIC RECEIVERSHIP.
An Open cup.
..., an Open cup doesn't struggle with Acceptance of new InSight. 
Space/open-ness is the only Way to RECIEVE/ALLOW.
The (2) frequency is IN TUNE with Focus and active CO_CREATIVE Participation, 
as I AM An Other yOurSelf... the more persistent the poke, the more urgent the desire for clearing the Path for REQUESTED Flow.

The Collective Heart is SATURATED with the Knowledge gained in preception provocation. So Humanity Vibes indication that there is a Collective FEELING of BEing bored and fed up with the IDEA of Collective Lack Now that We Know what We Know about Private IDENTITY shifts, and have Actively entered the Upgrade Cycle of (Current Private Time Activities & Fascinations aligning with the immediate Focus Mastery Objectives, as described by the current 2019 Time Wave. 
This topic is the HOT button for testing in the currents of a Reaility based on CHOICE.
Why is the IDEA of Lack such a challenge? It All may seem like a standoff with Ego on Acceptance of Eternal Value.....

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