The Numbers (in Time)
Numerology: November-December 2012
Translation by Carmelle Migliore
I'm one of billions of Time watchers. As the 3D Timeline dissolves into the Next level of our collective expansion, for a growing portion of the Global collective there is a widely palpable fanning out of energetic information spreading over and through the individual consciousnesses that are focused within the collective Timeline.Translation by Carmelle Migliore
Within that dimension, we have our own little worlds spinning at the core of Creation. And just in case a thousand otherSelves haven't pointed this out to you today,
We are poised to reach a point of no-return to the "old ways". Suffice it to say, that even tho there may still be some persistent but futile and final pushings and shovings of the "control" mentality...It IS DONE! Now, Be of Joy! as you move into the Next place (in Time). It doesnt' look like what you think it looks like anyway. It's much much BETTER!
And,once we get our Harmony together in 2013, there will be no need to try to describe it to anyone else because we will all witness [it] at pretty much the same moment.
The 1'S AND 2'S ( in Time): notice anything interesting here?
12/12/2012, 12/10/2012, 12/11/2012, 12/12/2012, 12/20/2012(= 10:1), 12/21/2012= (11:2) , 12/22/2012
These daily cycles will mark short, but powerful pulses of energetic reinforcement for Divine Self acceptance, and our participation and connectivity in the collective.
Now, every Being on the planet can feel something magically unspoken going on all around the planet, and more importantly within themSelves.
ONE frequency depicts an image of the Divine Being and the awareness and acceptance of the Divine gifts and talents newly discovered, and eternally unfolding. and TWO frequency (in Time) depicts the connection/network of individuals which will reflect that Divinity back to the each individual in mutual and Harmonious endeavors.
Law of Attraction will become as evident as the intention in the connections will.
So we will see many more tongues and dialects endeavoring to interpret and depict the fantastic images and sensations of the changing energetic environment and Divine Identity. The collective is warming up for the jump, and excited with Hope for the successful adoption of new beliefs and a more balanced and fair mediation of a shared reality.
No longer an "owned and controlled" reality, No one is completely wrong, and no one is completely right. And, most definitely- NO ones's insanity is more superior to anyone else's! Inclusion will be the litnus test for our individual ability to maintain our Individual Divine Sparks and Purpose when Creative collaboration find us mingling with a delightfully different and more expansive array of options and opportunities than we had previously. You'll see what that means if you pay attention to the events and patterns in those aforementioned dates. You may notice that as November closes, December will find us making some hard administrative decisions within our own lives. Not necessarily "hard" as in bad , or unpleasant- but, more of a necessary realignment for the coming collective focus shift toward the new objectives and intention of the conscious majority.
We are poised to reach a point of no-return to the "old ways". Suffice it to say, that even tho there may still be some persistent but futile and final pushings and shovings of the "control" mentality...It IS DONE! Now, Be of Joy! as you move into the Next place (in Time). It doesnt' look like what you think it looks like anyway. It's much much BETTER!
And,once we get our Harmony together in 2013, there will be no need to try to describe it to anyone else because we will all witness [it] at pretty much the same moment.
The 1'S AND 2'S ( in Time): notice anything interesting here?
12/12/2012, 12/10/2012, 12/11/2012, 12/12/2012, 12/20/2012(= 10:1), 12/21/2012= (11:2) , 12/22/2012
These daily cycles will mark short, but powerful pulses of energetic reinforcement for Divine Self acceptance, and our participation and connectivity in the collective.
Now, every Being on the planet can feel something magically unspoken going on all around the planet, and more importantly within themSelves.
ONE frequency depicts an image of the Divine Being and the awareness and acceptance of the Divine gifts and talents newly discovered, and eternally unfolding. and TWO frequency (in Time) depicts the connection/network of individuals which will reflect that Divinity back to the each individual in mutual and Harmonious endeavors.
Law of Attraction will become as evident as the intention in the connections will.
So we will see many more tongues and dialects endeavoring to interpret and depict the fantastic images and sensations of the changing energetic environment and Divine Identity. The collective is warming up for the jump, and excited with Hope for the successful adoption of new beliefs and a more balanced and fair mediation of a shared reality.
No longer an "owned and controlled" reality, No one is completely wrong, and no one is completely right. And, most definitely- NO ones's insanity is more superior to anyone else's! Inclusion will be the litnus test for our individual ability to maintain our Individual Divine Sparks and Purpose when Creative collaboration find us mingling with a delightfully different and more expansive array of options and opportunities than we had previously. You'll see what that means if you pay attention to the events and patterns in those aforementioned dates. You may notice that as November closes, December will find us making some hard administrative decisions within our own lives. Not necessarily "hard" as in bad , or unpleasant- but, more of a necessary realignment for the coming collective focus shift toward the new objectives and intention of the conscious majority.
Do your own researching and discovering. ASK OUT LOUD, and you will gain access to your expansion in ways and avenues perfectly tailored for You. Mine is but one perspective of the Timeline shift. I have included wonderful links for you to peruse below, and would encourage All to venture further.
2013: 6 Global frequency (in Time)
As the Collective Dimensional Awareness of Humanity IS sliding OUT of the 3D Time platform, and expanding further into Time entering the age of practicing our INDIVIDUAL Now accountability, and seeking the restoration of the (individuals) Creative equilibrium. Remaining( in Time), to practice in a Mirror of "Otherselves" more deliberately will become a much easier moment to moment choice as more and more of Us realize that we have no barriers or constraints beyond our own Beliefs. Manifestation will be much more instantaneous because the BELIEF in obstacles will be diminished as we practice new beliefs within our Selves more consistently.
Although the outer space reflection may have you believing this is a political issue far removed to the capitol cities and headquarters around the globe. More are awakening to the idea that "It" is definitely NOT outside of Self, and this will become much more clear to the participating populous (in Time) as the opportunities to call forth our Truth in accountability. Fear not....the collective intention objective in 2013 is Balance and Love.
To this point of responsibility,... a musical interlude:
The "cure" for any thing or thought that vexes you is: Now.
(In Time), My/Yours/Our INDIVIDUAL attention will be drawn in the direction and focus of observing our own beliefs and responses, and "tweaking the sails " of our collective intentions toward balance, as we stabilize the Cosmic ballasts appropriately. Time is a wonderful gift. It gives us a little buffer between what we think we want and it's manifestation. This aspect of the function of the Time experience will quicken after December 21, 2012.
6 Frequency (in Time) indicates that there will be a great weigh and measure preoccupation in order to reset and establish the upgraded agreements and rules of participation and engagement. In this Love based Time frequency wave, inclusion and fairness set the stage, and the intentions of the collective awareness will begin to be sorted out with more expansive gentility. Nurturance versus Domination will play a a negotiation game for the first half of the year. The need for "permission" to exist and thrive will be as systematically dismantled.
(In Time) we practice the newly discovered, and ever unfolding Divinely Sovereign Creative skills and talents within each Sparkle of the Logos, as well as the responsibility that comes with this stage of Eternal Cosmic Being development. Paying it forward will be a norm that helps to reset the money based "economic" system that is rapidly dissolving for those of us who are turning into another Timeline with our new thought patterns. Your sustenance and support are guaranteed in that direction because deliberate manifestation will be more pointedly practiced by the energy of the collective.
6 Frequency (in Time) indicates that there will be a great weigh and measure preoccupation in order to reset and establish the upgraded agreements and rules of participation and engagement. In this Love based Time frequency wave, inclusion and fairness set the stage, and the intentions of the collective awareness will begin to be sorted out with more expansive gentility. Nurturance versus Domination will play a a negotiation game for the first half of the year. The need for "permission" to exist and thrive will be as systematically dismantled.
(In Time) we practice the newly discovered, and ever unfolding Divinely Sovereign Creative skills and talents within each Sparkle of the Logos, as well as the responsibility that comes with this stage of Eternal Cosmic Being development. Paying it forward will be a norm that helps to reset the money based "economic" system that is rapidly dissolving for those of us who are turning into another Timeline with our new thought patterns. Your sustenance and support are guaranteed in that direction because deliberate manifestation will be more pointedly practiced by the energy of the collective.
As far as the eye can see in the global headlines, there are more and more reports of the successes and successions, and the reclamation of Sovereignty by planetary right and Divine Virtue. Little by bit, but certainly exponentially, there is more reflection of this new desire for Balance in Love in the outer space playground than not..... particularly if you are LOOKING for it.
We are just about done with the micro-managing lessons of 3D and Divine Identity confusion. And, every time i have this uncontrollable urge to share what I'm so delighted to be seeing through the Numbers of Time, i see at least a dozen other Translations that echo these same images and information (in Time). As these new collective intention waves roll around the planet, those who can see the Light, BE the Light. Together, we make 8 Billion Points of Light as Divine Earth Humans per Divine coding, currently manifest in Light bodies.
Freeing ourSelves of constricting beliefs and agreements, we embark our Expansion together (in Time) for a bit longer. And, prhaps some even longer than that, but we Know in our Oneness meditations and events that the Intention has been set. We have learned not to Love ourSelves to Death by over-control. We no longer are turning our personal control over to systems and institutions who Main objective IS control.
We have, in terms of years- not centuries- switched the direction of the flow of the collective reality.
How could the resolution of our denser reality experiences NOT be accomplished?
How can we believe in anything BUT expansion?
Knowing that is the tickle in my adrenals as i smell a fresh pot of Java brewing! Hang on! Keep on keeping on in your daily internal "Glad Games"...a New surge of Inspiration is brewing and about ready to be poured for us! And, SURPRISE! it doesn't looke like what you thought it would look like.
Freeing ourSelves of constricting beliefs and agreements, we embark our Expansion together (in Time) for a bit longer. And, prhaps some even longer than that, but we Know in our Oneness meditations and events that the Intention has been set. We have learned not to Love ourSelves to Death by over-control. We no longer are turning our personal control over to systems and institutions who Main objective IS control.
We have, in terms of years- not centuries- switched the direction of the flow of the collective reality.
How could the resolution of our denser reality experiences NOT be accomplished?
How can we believe in anything BUT expansion?
Knowing that is the tickle in my adrenals as i smell a fresh pot of Java brewing! Hang on! Keep on keeping on in your daily internal "Glad Games"...a New surge of Inspiration is brewing and about ready to be poured for us! And, SURPRISE! it doesn't looke like what you thought it would look like.
In Now, with your Divine Face Sun-ward there is no need to constrain your own Light, or search any further! You Be NOW. ...the ultimate access point of Your Human Divinity (in Time).
Saving Grace v=vPYFWnzjIy0&feature= autoplay&list= PL4DB143A31F5FD085&index=127& playnext=3
and then, another Beautiful audio Translation of the Perfection of Now and You in Time and Beyond:
Thanks for Your participation in the spiral Journey!
See You in the Mirror! Love to You!
and then, another Beautiful audio Translation of the Perfection of Now and You in Time and Beyond:
Thanks for Your participation in the spiral Journey!

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